How cognitive distortions affect us in the workplace and beyond

Our brains are a remarkable tool that we rely on for guidance and understanding. Trusting in our own cognitive abilities is essential, as it allows us to navigate through life's challenges, recognize potential threats, and seek meaningful connections. It is through our brain's intricate wiring that we can detect danger, attract potential partners, and solve the problems that come our way.

However, there are instances when it is wise to question the messages our brain is sending us. It's not that our brain is intentionally deceiving us, but rather that it may have formed some flawed or unhelpful connections over time. Creating these faulty connections in the brain can surprisingly be done easily. Our brains have a natural inclination to make connections between thoughts, ideas, actions, and consequences, even when there is no true correlation between them.

One common problem in interpreting research is the tendency to make false assumptions about causation based on correlation between variables. It is important to remember that just because two variables are correlated does not mean that one directly causes or leads to the other.

Correlation is not causation!

In the vast field of social science research, there exists a multitude of terms that attempt to capture the essence of this particular type of error. Often steeped in academic jargon and complex wording, these errors are commonly referred to as "cognitive distortions" within the realm of our thoughts and beliefs.

What are cognitive distortions?

A cognitive distortion is a distorted and irrational thought pattern that distorts our perception of reality. These detrimental thought patterns have the power to diminish motivation, lower self-esteem, and contribute to issues like anxiety and depression. In the professional setting, cognitive distortions can have a significant impact on our performance, productivity, decision-making abilities, communication skills, confidence levels, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.

Two psychologists at the origin of cognitive distortions

Delve deeper into the realm of cognitive distortions and their profound impact on depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, and we will encounter the names that have become synonymous with this field: Aaron Beck and David Burns.

Aaron Beck, a graduate of Yale Medical School in 1946, made significant contributions to the field of psychology through his role in the development of cognitive therapy. Beck noticed that many of his depressed patients operated on false assumptions and distorted thinking, leading him to develop Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This therapy is based on the idea that our thought patterns and beliefs drive our experiences and can be modified to eliminate troublesome symptoms. Additionally, Beck developed widely used scales for evaluating symptoms of depression and risk of suicide: the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Hopelessness Scale.

David Burns, a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, is known for his best-selling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. His work is based on Beck's research and focuses on identifying and correcting distorted thinking patterns.

Examples of cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions come in various forms and can affect anyone, regardless of their location or circumstances. These distortions can impact how we perceive reality and respond to different situations. Let's delve into several examples of cognitive distortions and explore how they manifest in the workplace and beyond.

All-or-nothing / Polarized thinking

This distortion, often referred to as "all-or-nothing" or "Black-and-White Thinking", involves viewing situations in extreme terms, like success or failure, without considering the nuances or possibilities in between. It manifests itself when we impose unrealistically high standards on ourselves and our surroundings: colleagues or loved ones. This can lead to unnecessary stress, a fear of taking risks, frustration and strained connections.

How to overcome it? Encourage a balanced perspective, learn from setbacks, and adjust strategies.


Overgeneralization is another cognitive distortion characterized by taking one instance or example and applying it to a broader pattern, like assuming a single failure makes someone a failure in general. This distortion can manifest as we make sweeping conclusions based on limited experiences or isolated incidents. With overgeneralization, words like “always,” “never,” “everything,” and “nothing” are frequent in our train of thought. Such overgeneralizations can lead to misunderstandings, strained relationships, and missed opportunities for growth.

How to overcome it? Practice balanced thinking, avoid extreme terms, and consider specific circumstances.

Mental filter

The mental filter distortion is akin to wearing a pair of glasses that only allow us to see the negative aspects of a situation, while filtering out any positives. Imagine it as focusing on a single negative comment in a loving relationship and believing the entire relationship is doomed, despite years of positive experiences. This can lead to a pessimistic outlook, impacting overall happiness and relationships. Dwelling on one negative comment can overshadow a history of positive interactions.

How to overcome it? Acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of situations for a balanced viewpoint.

Jumping to conclusions – Mind reading & fortune-telling

Jumping to conclusions, often in the forms of mind reading and fortune-telling, is like having a mental crystal ball that lets us believe we can read others' thoughts and predict the future. This distortion involves making negative assumptions or firm predictions without any substantial evidence to support them. It's like assuming we know what's going on in someone else's head or foreseeing future outcomes without valid reasoning. This can hinder effective communication and create unnecessary conflicts in relationships.

How to overcome it? Pause, seek clarification, and initiate open communication to avoid unfounded assumptions.

Magnification (catastrophizing) or minimization

Magnification, also known as catastrophizing, and its counterpart, minimization, are like the "Binocular Trick" that distorts our perspective. These distortions can affect how we perceive our achievements, setbacks, and personal milestones. We tend to exaggerate or downplay the significance, importance, or likelihood of events, often leading to inaccurate perceptions, unrealistic expectations or undue self-criticism.

For instance, imagine an athlete who typically performs well but makes a single mistake. They might magnify the importance of that error, convincing themselves that they are now a terrible teammate. Conversely, an athlete who achieves a prestigious award may minimize its significance, persistently believing they are only a mediocre player.

How to overcome it? Maintain a balanced perspective, evaluate the actual significance, and seek feedback.

Emotional reasoning

Emotional reasoning, while surprising to some, is a distortion that many of us have unwittingly embraced at some point. It revolves around accepting our emotions as indisputable facts, often manifesting as "I feel it, so it must be true." However, it's crucial to remember that our feelings don't always align with reality.

For instance, imagine feeling jealous and automatically assuming that your partner has romantic feelings for someone else. Despite the intensity of your emotions, this doesn't make it a factual reality. We all acknowledge that it's irrational to equate our feelings with facts, yet emotional reasoning remains a common distortion that impacts our judgments.

How to overcome it? Separate emotions from factual assessments, evaluate situations critically, and seek alternative perspectives.

Should & must statements

The inclination to make "should" statements is a harmful distortion that many of us grapple with. These statements are essentially self-imposed or imposed on others, containing notions of what we "should" do, what we "ought" to do, or what we "must" do. However, they often lead to unrealistic expectations and emotional turmoil.

When we subject ourselves to excessive "should" statements, it frequently results in self-inflicted guilt for falling short of these rigid standards. Conversely, imposing "should" statements on others typically leads to frustration and resentment when they inevitably fail to meet our lofty expectations.

How to overcome it? Set realistic goals, accept imperfection, and focus on learning from mistakes.

Labeling and mislabeling

Labeling and mislabeling are cognitive distortions characterized by assigning extreme judgments of value to ourselves or others based on isolated instances or experiences. These distortions frequently involve overly emotional, loaded, and inaccurate language when describing individuals or situations.

For instance, consider a scenario in the workplace where a colleague overlooks acknowledging your assistance. Falling into this distortion, you might label them as "ungrateful" or "inconsiderate," which doesn't accurately capture the full scope of their behavior.

How to overcome it? Avoid sweeping judgments, use neutral language, and consider the complexity of human behavior.


Personalization is a cognitive distortion characterized by the tendency to take everything personally or assume undue blame without logical justification. It involves incorrectly attributing external events or emotions to oneself, even when there's no rational basis for such conclusions. Taking everything personally or assuming undue blame can create unnecessary stress in personal relationships and affect self-esteem.

How to overcome it? Assess your role objectively, avoid automatic self-blame, and consider alternative explanations.

Control fallacies

Control fallacies encompass two distorted beliefs:

(1) the belief that we have no control over our lives and are helpless victims of fate, or

(2) the belief that we possess absolute control over ourselves and our environment, making us responsible for the emotions and actions of those around us.

Both of these beliefs are fundamentally flawed and detrimental. They can lead to feelings of helplessness or excessive responsibility for external events.

How to overcome it? Recognize varying degrees of control, focus on personal responses, and adapt to situations.

Fallacy of fairness

The fallacy of fairness involves the unrealistic assumption that the world operates on a foundation of inherent fairness. This distorted belief can lead to negative emotions, feelings of anger, resentment, or hopelessness, when confronted with instances that defy this idealized fairness.

How to overcome it? Accept life's unpredictability, adapt to challenges, and prioritize personal growth.

Fallacy of change

The fallacy of change revolves around the unrealistic expectation that others will change if we exert enough pressure or encouragement. This cognitive distortion often accompanies the belief that our happiness and success depend on others conforming to our desires, leading us to believe that forcing change upon those around us is the only means to achieve our goals.

How to overcome it? Focus on personal adaptation, communicate needs constructively, and accept others may not change.

Always being right

The cognitive distortion of "Always Being Right" is a common trap for perfectionists and individuals grappling with Imposter Syndrome. It involves the unwavering belief that we must always be right, and the mere possibility of being wrong is utterly unacceptable. Those ensnared by this distortion will vigorously defend their viewpoint, often to extremes.

Consider the internet commenters who engage in endless debates over opinions or political issues, refusing to agree to disagree. For them, it's not merely a difference of opinion, but an intellectual battleground where victory must be secured at any cost.

This distortion can lead to conflicts in personal life when individuals insist on their own infallibility. It's crucial to recognize that it's okay to be wrong sometimes to maintain healthy relationships.

How to overcome it? Embrace flexibility, open-mindedness, and collaborative problem-solving.

Heaven’s reward fallacy

The "Heaven’s Reward Fallacy" is a distortion that many people fall victim to. It's the belief that one's struggles, suffering, and hard work will inevitably lead to a just reward. This distorted thinking is prevalent and can be observed in various forms, from personal beliefs to portrayals in media.

However, this distortion is misleading because, in reality, life doesn't always reward effort and sacrifice with the expected outcomes. Sometimes, despite our best efforts and significant sacrifices, we may not achieve our desired goals. Clinging to the notion that unwavering hard work guarantees success can lead to disappointment, frustration, anger, and even depression when anticipated rewards fail to materialize.

How to overcome it? Recognize external factors, set realistic expectations, and focus on personal growth.

How to challenge cognitive distortions?

In conclusion, understanding and overcoming cognitive distortions is essential for fostering a positive and resilient mindset in the workplace and beyond. Much like maintaining good physical health, cultivating healthy mental habits is equally vital for overall well-being.

Acknowledging cognitive distortions doesn't mean ignoring challenges, problems, or emotions, but rather approaching them with a proactive attitude. This mindset prevents our thoughts and feelings from amplifying anxiety, allowing us to confront difficulties with greater resilience.

As someone who has grappled with these cognitive filters, I've learned the importance of trusting my ability to handle whatever life throws my way. Worrying about hypothetical future problems not only adds unnecessary stress but also hampers effectiveness, as fear can be a powerful hindrance.

To break free from these unhelpful cognitive filters, you can apply strategies like challenging your thoughts, seeking evidence for and against them, and labeling your thought patterns. Additionally, acceptance without obsession can help you navigate these distortions.


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